a masterclass for academic writers

four elements required for academic publishing

Academic writing is a skill set, not an innate ability. If you know what journals and presses are looking for, you greatly increase the odds of publishing, and therefore the odds of tenure, promotion, raises, and grants.

during this webinar you will learn:

How to craft your article's/chapter's argument so there's no doubt about why your article is publishable.

How to write your article's significance so journal and press gatekeepers are clear about your contribution to the field.

How to write an abstract that makes your article irresistible to journals and presses.

How to clear the blocks to writing efficiently.

By the end of the webinar, you will have no doubts about writing a magnetic article for publication.

yes, reserve my seat

Thursday, August 31, 7 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EDT.

Warning: space is limited!! We all want to publish, so seats will go quickly!!

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